Maintenance types.
The maintenance can be classified as follows:
1-Corrective Maintenance (seeks to minimize it).
2-preventive maintenance, in three ways: Default, Predictive and Casual.
Preventive Maintenance.
IMELEC ( implements a Preventive Maintenance Plan clients Companies have comoobjetivo conservation equipment, machinery or facilities. Deinspecciones involves making and actions that provide for future damages so as to guarantee the continuity and reliability of the production activity of the company. Preventive maintenance performed IMELEC implemented in equipment and facilities that are in use, as opposed to corrective maintenance, which is carried out when the equipment or facilities have flaws that make them partially or totally inoperative.
The purpose of all maintenance must be to avoid or minimizarel impactoocasionado by malfunctions or failures occurring in equipment or facilities, seeking to prevent these eventospara not occur. Preventive maintenance routines should consider actions that involve changing the fixtures whose usage time be close to that of life, so as to avoid the occurrence of the failure.
When implementing the different processes of preventive maintenance, IMELEC takes into account the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers, the current regulations for each type of facility and the knowledge accumulated through experience in the maintenance of similar assets.
Criteria for definirel type of preventive maintenance.
Programado.Las maintenance revisions are scheduled cyclically performed at predetermined time periods or depending on the hours of use estimated for each item of equipment or installation.
Maintenance Predictivo.Se tracks the performance of the equipment or installation, by performing periodic checks for determining the maximum period of use without the need for a repair.
Occasional maintenance. This maintenance mode is used to perform the action in periods when the system is inoperative or equipment are not being used, so as to avoid hindering the production process or normal operating companies.
Why preventive maintenance is necessary in business ?.
By implementing appropriate preventive maintenance plan, companies can incorporate a tool to extend the life of property, furniture, equipment, machinery and facilities, preventing risks to people, the deterioration of their assets and avoid the cessation of activity Company employment due to unwanted events. Its primary objective is to implement a planned manner inspection and diagnosis of the state of the equipment and facilities to carry out the necessary actions in those periods that do not affect the normal operation of the labor activity in the company, thereby avoiding the realization of works of timeless urgency that cause significant economic damage.
According to statistical indices that are managed, planned maintenance can increase production companies up to 30%, achieving a 35% reduction in maintenance costs and extending the useful life of the facilities and equipment by 55% .
Leading companies understand that to have a preventive maintenance is of fundamental importance in achieving an uninterrupted operation of their activities, regardless of company size.
The strategy of "spend on maintenance only when it breaks what is working" is considered now obsolete. Currently, if you want to maintain continuity in production, it should be aware that if you wait until failure occurs for action corrective maintenance, is running the risk, in the best case, incurring too high and in the most critical cases, expenditure is being exposed to losses in production processes, quality decay, downtime and lost revenue.
Maintenance Companies Uruguay: - The Integral Maintenance is the best way to achieve continuous upgrading and increasing the useful life of the property and its facilities. Contact +598 22000539.
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