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Energia Solar Uruguay

Si usted busca Paneles de Energia Solar en Uruguay entonces imelec.com.uy cuenta con un grupo de profesionales especializados en Ingeniería Electrica y Energía Solar, Mantenimiento Integral e Instalaciones Eléctricas para empresas en Uruguay

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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Advantages of Solar Panels - Imelec s.r.l

 Solar Panel
A solar panel is a device that is used to absorb energy from the sun in order to generate heat or in many cases electricity. It is also referred to as a photovoltaic cell since it is made of many cells that are used to convert the light from the sun into electricity. The only raw material for these solar panels is the sun. it is made in such a way that the cells face the sun in order to enable maximum absorption of the sun rays. The greater the energy from the sun is, the more the electricity that is generated. Solar panels are used in many homesteads in the world due to their many pros that are far more than cons. Some of these pros are discussed below.

One very important advantage of using solar panels is that they do not emit any gases that are common in green houses. The panels do not emit any smoke, chemical or heavy metals that can be risk factors to human health. Solar panels are therefore environmental friendly when compared to burning of fossil fuels to generate energy. This is very important since carbon emissions are dangerous and avoiding their emission helps in safeguarding our present and future environment. Being environment friendly is important since the government is constantly coming up with ways to control global warming and the use of solar panels is a great way to start. The solar panels therefore maintain a clean setting and they leave the air fresh. More importantly they help in prevention of many cancer incidences. This is because some products from some sources of energy like nuclear energy have been said to cause cancer due to initiation of mutations in cells.

Secondly, use of solar panels ensures ongoing free energy for those who use it. This is mainly because the only cost incurred is that of installation. Once the installation has been done the energy is free since the panel does not require regular maintenance or fuel to run it. It also requires no raw materials for its operation. It works as long as there are sun rays which is an everyday thing in most parts of the world. In a world where equal distribution of resources is continuously being sought, this is very important since each and everyone has equal rights when it comes to use of solar energy. This is because the energy from the sun falls on all. This is a good way to maintain equality as compared with energy from fossil fuel which low income homesteads do not afford in many cases.

There is also the advantage in that, the use of solar panels enable the decentralization of power. This is very important since it is very cheap. This is mainly because when power is not decentralized, it has to be shared by all and is as a result transported to many areas. With this happening, there are very many costs that are incurred. These include; the wear and tear of vehicles, the air pollution among others. These costs are all incorporated in the electricity bills of individuals as the government does not cover the expenses. It is therefore more advantageous to use solar panels as a saving plan and to create a sense of fairness since those in power tend to take advantage and use their positions to embezzle funds. This is not fair on the citizens' part. This is because most of them struggle to make ends meet.

A solar panel can be operated off grid. This is a great advantage for those who live in very isolated areas or in rural regions. Off grid means that the house is not connected to the state's electricity grid. This has the advantage of low cost since installation may be very expensive for those living in isolated areas. These individuals have their power lines disconnected in many instances due to the fact that it is sometimes less affordable for many. Solar panels offer a solution for this since they do not require as much to be installed. However, those living in towns can also use the off-grid technique. An added advantage in this is that there are no rules governing whether or not one wants to operate off- grid or on-grid when it comes to use of solar panels. This however is an issue when using fossil fuel generated electricity.

Solar panels generate job opportunities. This is of great importance since there is a very high rate of unemployment in the world today. These jobs are come about in the form of, manufacturing of the solar panels, research about further improvements, maintenance, development and cultural integration. With the continued presence of the sun, these jobs are guaranteed since there is ongoing improvements and modification of this device. Jobs like maintenance and installation do not require a long-term training and are therefore more advantageous for those who do not have many skills and are unemployed.

Use of solar energy is safe from price manipulations and politics. The fact that there are no raw materials that are solely controlled by monopolies ensures that there is no manipulation of prices as is the case with fossil fuels. With fossil fuels, the prices can rise as high as the monopolizing powers controlling them want. There is also less competitiveness with use of solar panels since there is no fight over such things as oil fields and other raw materials. Although the government has started addressing the issue of solar panels, there is little influence they can have in price manipulation. This is because no one controls the main raw material.

There is also less environmental destruction with the use of a solar panel. This is because there are no cases of mining or extraction of raw materials that eventually lead to destruction of forests and water catchment areas. With the use of solar panels, there is less of this and therefore there are steady rainfalls that greatly boost production and consequently the national income of each and every country. Many countries face problems of famine due to destruction of forests to get fuel. This can be prevented by using solar panels.

There is an advantage of reliability in using solar panels. This is because there is ability to predict the amount of sun to expect each and every day. Therefore one is has guarantee of energy. The devices are also made in such a way that they can absorb sun rays even when there a few clouds and the sun rays are not very strong. The solar energy is also renewable. It can therefore be used on and on without getting depleted. Although solar energy cannot be used at night, it operates full force during the day which is of great importance. The energy can also be stored in form of batteries for use at night.

Everyone loves some peace and quiet. This is something you get when you use solar panels. This is because they are very silent. There is no noise that gives away the fact that the solar panel is there apart from the fact that you can see it. This is a good thing since it makes the environment peaceful compared to wind and water generated power supplies which have moveable parts that are quite loud and destruct the peace. Solar panels are therefore good for use for people living in estates where hoses are close to each other. This is because with silence, peace is maintained between the neighbors.

When installing solar panels, there is no large scale installation required. They therefore require very little space to install. This is very important when it comes to fast growing regions and towns. The installation will mainly involve a single cell to continually generate energy. Hence a homestead requires a single cell. There is therefore no congestion and a continued supply to the high demand of energy. This maintains a good image in a community since crowding may make the place less attractive which may prevent people from moving to the area since everyone wants to live somewhere they consider beautiful, for this reason, use of solar panels does not interfere with real estate sales.

Solar panels are durable. This is because there are no moving parts in the device. This therefore reduces the chance of it being destructed. It is possible to use a solar panel for a very long period of time without having to purchase another, studies estimate that it can last for over ten years. Such a device is beneficial because it reduces the stress that comes about when a machine stops running because something became lose or worn out. There is also reduced maintenance cost since it is less prone to wear. This generally makes the device very easy to handle for a person with very little skills in handling a solar panel.

Many companies that invest in solar energy get the advantage of higher profits. This is because they cut back on costs incurred in electricity and the rest of the profits are in most cases used to expand the business. This is very advantageous. Statistics show that the companies that use solar panels have greater returns compared to those that use other sources of energy. This may be due to the fact that electricity can be very expensive and may make these companies not afford allot of assets. This is especially evident in small or new companies. There is also an advantage that clients get when they get services from a company that uses clean energy. This is the fact that they can get access to government incentives that are made available to these companies.

Use of solar panels enables individuals and companies to enjoy the benefits of low taxes. This is because in most parts of the world, the taxes that are charged are about thirty percent less as compared to using other sources of energy. With all the taxes that one has to pay for every item purchased, this is a great opportunity to reduce spending on taxes. Since there is no monthly bill when using a solar panel, it makes it tax free. When using fossil fuel energy, this is no option since one has to pay their electricity on a monthly basis which in most cases is heavily taxed.

The size of solar panel required per meter to give maximum energy small. When there is full sun, one is able to get about one thousand watts per meter. This is equivalent to about 2900-watt hours per day. However this depends on the area in which you are locates, the time of the year and the strength in which the sun rays reach the solar panel. For this reason, there are times where one gets more energy compared to others. However the energy gives the desired effect even at low intensity and is therefore still very reliable.

It is highly unlikely to hear that someone got injured when using a solar panel. This is because there are few cases of electric shocks that are very frequent when using other sources of electricity. It is therefore safe to use solar panels for people. This creates fewer incidences of emergencies. However, careful measures should be taken as directed by the person that does the installation since there are instances where cables are left bare and could cause shock when touched. This is rare when the wiring is done correctly. Care should also be taken since the roof could be constantly emitting electricity.

Solar panels are not prone to destruction by harsh environmental conditions. For this reason, they are not easily destructed, this is important since the device is placed outside in order to absorb sun rays. The good thing about this is that it can be used by people who live in areas where the weather is up and down in most cases.

All these are great advantages that come with using solar panels. Solar panels can be used in any setting, whether in schools, homes or companies. Click here to know more about our excellent services.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

O Sol.

 Energia solar
O sol, fonte de vida e fonte de outras formas de energia que o homem tem utilizado desde os primórdios da história, pode satisfazer todas nossas necessidades, se aprendermos a utilizar racionalmente luz que continuamente derramado no planeta. Sobre o próximo ano, sol verterá na terra quatro mil vezes mais energia do que consome. Esta energia pode ser usada diretamente, ou ser convertido em outras formas úteis como, por exemplo, em eletricidade usando painéis solares fotovoltaicos para converter luz solar em electricidade.

Energia solar está vindo para a terra na forma de radiação eletromagnética (luz, calor e UV raios principalmente) do sol, onde ele foi gerado por um processo de fusão nuclear. A intensidade da energia disponível em um determinado ponto da Terra depende do dia do ano, o tempo e latitude. Além disso, a quantidade de energia que pode ser coletada depende da orientação do dispositivo receptor. Ele atualmente é uma das energias renováveis mais desenvolvido e utilizado em todo o mundo.

Conversão fotovoltaica consiste da transformação direta da energia luminosa em energia elétrica. Alguns painéis solares, formados por células fotovoltaicas são usados para fazer isso. Conversão térmica de alta temperatura é transformar energia solar em energia térmica armazenada em um fluido. Dispositivos denominados coletores são usados para aquecer o líquido.

See more at :- http://imelec.com.uy/

El Sol

 energia solar
El Sol, fuente de vida y origen de las demás formas de energía que el hombre ha utilizado desde los albores de la historia, puede satisfacer todas nuestras necesidades, si aprendemos cómo aprovechar de forma racional la luz que continuamente derrama sobre el planeta. Durante el próximo año, el Sol arrojará sobre la Tierra cuatro mil veces más energía que la que vamos a consumir. Esta energía puede aprovecharse directamente, o bien ser convertida en otras formas útiles como, por ejemplo, en electricidad utilizando paneles solares fotovoltaicos para convertir los rayos solares en electricidad.

La energia solar es la que llega a la Tierra en forma de radiación electromagnética (luz, calor y rayos ultravioleta principalmente) procedente del Sol, donde ha sido generada por un proceso de fusión nuclear. La intensidad de energía disponible en un punto determinado de la tierra depende, del día del año, de la hora y de la latitud. Además, la cantidad de energía que puede recogerse depende de la orientación del dispositivo receptor. Actualmente es una de las energia renovable más desarrolladas y usadas en todo el mundo.

La conversión fotovoltaica consiste en la transformación directa de la energía luminosa en energía eléctrica. Se utilizan para ello unas placas solares formadas por células fotovoltaicas. La conversión térmica de alta temperatura consiste en transformar la energía solar en energía térmica almacenada en un fluido. Para calentar el líquido se emplean unos dispositivos llamados colectores.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Termografía en transformadores de potencia.

Cualquier falla que se presente en un sistema de energía producirá un impacto económico, pero si este paro no programado se produce en un transformador de potencia, las consecuencias para el sector industrial pueden ser mucho más graves. 

El diagnóstico eficiente del estado de los transformadores de potencia y de los equipos eléctricos en una subestación es de vital importancia para garantizar la continuidad y calidad del servicio de energía eléctrica. Por esta razón es necesario la implantación de un buen plan de mantenimiento preventivo que contemple la termografía infrarroja y equipos de monitoreo continuo a los equipos eléctricos de forma de obtener mayor confiabilidad del sistema, aumento de la productividad, disminución de los costos y el mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos humanos.

Actualmente, debido al avance tecnológico en la ingeniería de los equipos de prueba, los sistemas de monitoreo en tiempo real y de la termografía infrarroja, es posible brindar un diagnóstico preciso de las condiciones reales de operación de los transformadores de potencia para garantizar la disponibilidad y confiabilidad, evitando que ocurran fallas inesperadas.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Termografia em transformadores de potência.

Qualquer falha que ocorrem em um sistema de energia irá produzir um impacto econômico, mas se essa parada não programada ocorre em um transformador de potência, as consequências para o setor industrial podem ser muito mais graves.

O diagnóstico eficiente do status de energia e equipamentos elétricos em transformadores de subestação é extremamente importante para garantir a continuidade e a qualidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica. Por esta razão é necessário para a implementação de um plano de manutenção preventiva bom que inclui termografia infravermelha e equipamento de monitoramento contínuo para equipamentos elétricos de forma obter melhor confiabilidade do sistema, aumentar a produtividade, reduzir custos e maior utilização de recursos humanos.

Atualmente, devido ao avanço tecnológico em engenharia de teste, sistemas de monitoramento em tempo real e em termografia infravermelha, é possível fornecer um diagnóstico preciso das condições reais de operação de transformadores de potência para garantir a disponibilidade e confiabilidade, evitando falhas inesperadas ocorram.

See more at :- http://imelec.com.uy/

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Ensayos Eléctricos en Paneles Fotovoltaicos.

 paneles fotovoltaicos
Con una prueba especial de electro-luminiscencia (un tipo de rayos X) se lleva a cabo la detección y la visibilidad de los defectos del material y en la fabricación de las células fotovoltaicas. Gracias a ello, Imelec asegura el 100 % de la calidad de las células que conforman los módulos que instala. Con esta prueba, también es posible detectar cualquier otro defecto causado  por la manipulación posterior de los paneles fotovoltaicos

Este ensayo permite localizar los puntos en los que la resistencia serie es anormalmente alta, fisuras en células y zonas en las que no hay conexión eléctrica. Estos aspectos impactan directamente en la longevidad del módulo y por tanto en su rentabilidad, ya que en caso negativo, el propio módulo corre el riesgo de tener que ser sustituido antes de su amortización. 

Mediante el examen de todas las células y del terminado de laminado se puede conocer cualquier daño interno, micro-grietas, puntos calientes, errores de soldadura y otras imperfecciones, que no son visibles a simple vista.

En particular las microfisuras tienen un efecto significativo en la estabilidad a largo plazo de los parámetros de rendimiento de los paneles fotovoltaicos. La prueba puede detectar defectos ocultos imposibles de encontrar por otros métodos de prueba (características V-A, ensayo flash o cámara térmica).

Durante el análisis se llevan a cabo las siguientes mediciones:

Voc (V) = Tensión en circuito abierto.
Isc (I) = Corriente de cortocircuito.
Vmpp (V)= Tensión de máxima potencia.
Impp = Corriente de máxima potencia.
Pm (W) = Potencia máxima.
FFm (%) = Factor de Forma.
n (%) = Rendimiento.
RsH (Ω) = Resistencia en paralelo.
Rs (Ω) = Resistencia en serie.
Los registros de datos se miden en tiempo real. Los datos son transferidos a un ordenador, donde los valores son procesados con el software.

See more at :- http://imelec.com.uy/

Friday, 4 December 2015

Electrical testing in photovoltaic panels.

 photovoltaic cells
With a special test of electro-luminescence (a type of x-ray) carries out detection and visibility from the defects in the material and in the manufacture of photovoltaic cells. As a result, Imelec ensures 100% quality of the cells that make up the modules installed. With this test, it is also possible to detect any other defects caused by the later handling of the photovoltaic panels.

This test allows the detection and visibility of material defects in the manufacture of photovoltaic cells. As a result, it is possible to evaluate the quality of the manufacturing process of the cells and any other defect that may be caused by the subsequent handling of the photovoltaic panels. This method may locate the points where the series resistance is abnormally high, cracks in cells and areas where there is no electrical connection. These issues directly impact the longevity of the module and hence their profitability because if not, the module itself runs the risk of having to be replaced before amortization.

In particular, the microcracks have a significant effect on long-term stability of performance parameters of photovoltaic panels. The test can detect hidden defects unobtainable by other test methods (flash test, features V-A, or thermal camera).

During the analysis performed following measurements:
Voc (V) = Open circuit voltage.
Isc (I) = Short circuit current.
Vmpp (V)= Voltage at maximum power.
Impp = Current at maximum power.
Pmpp (W) = Maximum power.
FFm (%) = Form Factor.
n (%) = Performance.
RsH (Ω) = Parallel resistance.
Rs (Ω) = Series resistance.
Data records are measured in real time. The data is transferred to a computer, where the values are processed using the software.

See more at :- http://www.gentlecigarette.com/

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Redução da pegada de carbono

 painéis solares
Benefícios futuros que painéis solares fotovoltaicos que IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy/pt) distribui e instala será de grande importância durante o seu ciclo de vida, como uma forma de fornecer um renovável limpo. No entanto, IMELEC e Solar Innova considerado no mesmo nível de importância a energia utilizada durante o processo de fabricação de cada painel solar. O estudo sobre a "pegada de carbono" (Carbon Footprint) deve ser de acordo com o padrão ISO 1064 e o protocolo de gás de efeito estufa (GHG Protocol), que quantifica e gerencia as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa, e que tem como objectivo determinar o impacto em termos de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE) emitidos devido a direta ou indireta em toda a cadeia de valor do produto (ciclo de vida do berço ao túmulo) valorizando, desta forma, o impacto real de nossos painéis fotovoltaicos no ambiente.

A geração de eletricidade usando painéis solares fotovoltaicos diretamente não produz gases de efeito estufa. Mas as emissões estão associadas a outras partes do ciclo de vida de tais como painéis fotovoltaicos: a fabricação e o transporte deles. Os principais componentes de painéis solares fotovoltaicos são feitos de silício cristalino. A fabricação desses componentes é um processo de elevado consumo de energia que representa uma alta porcentagem do total da energia usada para fazer os painéis solares. A pegada de carbono exata de qualquer painel solar do PV em particular depende de muitos fatores, incluindo a origem dos materiais, a distância que eles têm de ser transportados e a fonte de energia utilizada pelas plantas de fabricação.

A pegada de carbono de um painel solar fotovoltaico (o nível médio de emissões de gases de efeito estufa que é responsável, durante um período superior a seu tempo de vida) é de cerca de 72 gramas de dióxido de carbono equivalente por quilowatt / hora de eletricidade gerada (gCO2e/kWh), que significa um tempo de retorno da energia (hora da vingança de energia) para a fabricação desse período menos de um ano (Considerando que uma vida de prateleira dos produtos de 30 anos). 

Nossa fábrica Solar Innova continua otimizando todos estes conceitos para minimizar a pegada de carbono dos produtos de energia solar Imelec distribui e instala.

Reducción de la Huella de Carbono

 energía renovable
Los beneficios futuros que los paneles solares fotovoltaicos que IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) distribuye e instala serán de gran importancia durante su ciclo de vida, como forma de proporcionar una energía renovable limpia. No obstante ello, IMELEC y Solar Innova consideran en un mismo nivel importancia la energía empleada durante el proceso de fabricación de cada panel solar.

El estudio de la “Huella de Carbono” (Carbon Footprint) debe ser acorde a la Norma ISO 1064 y al The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), organismo que cuantifica y gestiona las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y que tiene como objetivo determinar la repercusión en cuanto a emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) emitidos por causa directa o indirecta a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor del producto (Ciclo de Vida de Cuna a Tumba), valorando, de este modo, el impacto real de nuestros paneles fotovoltaicos en el entorno.

La generación de electricidad mediante paneles solares fotovoltaicos no produce gases de efecto invernadero directamente. Pero las emisiones están asociadas con otras partes del ciclo de vida de los paneles FV tales como: la fabricación y el transporte de los mismos.

Los principales componentes de los paneles solares fotovoltaicos están hechos de silicio cristalino. La fabricación de estos componentes es un proceso de alto consumo energético que representa un elevado porcentaje del total de energía utilizada para hacer los paneles solares. La huella exacta de carbono de cualquier panel solar FV en particular depende de muchos factores, incluyendo el origen de los materiales, la distancia que tienen que ser transportados y la fuente de energía utilizada por las plantas de fabricación.

La huella de carbono de un panel solar fotovoltaico (el nivel medio de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del que es responsable durante un plazo superior a su tiempo de vida) es de unos 72 gramos de dióxido de carbono equivalente por kilovatio hora de electricidad generada (gCO2e/kWh), lo que supone un tiempo de retorno de la energía (Energy Payback Time) para la fabricación de dicho periodo, inferior a un año (considerando una vida útil del producto de 30 años).

Nuestra fábrica Solar Innova continúa optimizando todos estos conceptos para reducir al máximo la huella de carbono de los productos de energía solar que Imelec distribuye e instala.

Energia Solar Fotovoltaica de alta qualidade

 painéis solares
Painéis solares fotovoltaicos fornecidos pelo IMELEC são feitos pela fábrica espanhola Solar Innova com os componentes de mais alta qualidade e utilizando tecnologia de ponta, graças à excelente equipamento disponível e controle durante todo o processo de fabricação. Além disso, nossos produtos têm design imbatível e conclusão e são instalados com a excelência do nosso conhecimento próprio para fazer.

Quando se trata de instalação de sistemas solares fotovoltaicos, IMELEC tem uma grande diversidade de painéis fotovoltaicos que cobrem todas as necessidades do mercado, injeção (sistemas fotovoltaicos em-grade), bem como instalações isoladas (fora da rede sistemas fotovoltaicos). Além do projeto, fornecimento e instalação de melhores painéis solares fotovoltaicos, conselhos mais amplo sobre sistemas fotovoltaicos, através do departamento de engenharia fornecemos a pessoas ou empresas.  

Em IMELEC, buscamos excelência e satisfação do cliente, então oferecemos nosso melhor disponível em lidar com as perguntas sobre a instalação de painéis solares fotovoltaicos, contribuindo desta forma para aproveitar o recurso ilimitado que proporciona a energia solar.

Maintenance on equipment and installations: types and choice

 electrical installations
Workplaces must meet minimum requirements to ensure the safety of workers, so the maintenance of facilities and equipment should be seen as a necessity that should not be avoided. 

IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy/en) performs the integral maintenance of companies, providing a high professional level which makes it the leading company in the Uruguayan corporate market.

Basically, there are three types of maintenance: 

Corrective: can be planned or unplanned (emergencies). It consists in correcting the defects presenting equipment or installation. The fault takes place once detected. 

Predictive: It allows controlled equipment and facilities making measurements of the variables, thus detecting failures until they occur. These measurements can be integrated to the machine or electrical installations (continued) or done on a regular basis. 

Preventive: It is performed in a scheduled and periodic manner in such a way prevent the occurrence of damage or wear on the teams and facilities.

The choice of one or another kind of maintenance will depend on the characteristics of each company, but typically, tend to make a maintenance preventive or predictive, because in the corrective, the failure of the equipment or installation, acts produced once which carries drawbacks such as the increase in costs due to investment to do for repair or replacements on machines low on staff in the event that they have produced work-related accidents, among the most important side effects.

Analyzing the three types of maintenance from the point of view of the prevention of occupational risks, the preventive technique more powerful to minimize or eliminate the risks would be combining the preventive maintenance with the predictive. In all cases, IMELEC has technical staff with adequate training to perform the operation of integral maintenance of the equipment, facilities and building.

Finally, it is very important undertaking to perform a prior feasibility study, which will allow you to opt for one or several types of maintenance, according to its possibilities, but without losing the fundamental objective: ensure at all times the safety of workers, the continuity of the operations and increase the value of the facilities and property.

Infrared thermography: Detection of bad connections, imbalance of phases and high temperature.

 infrared thermography
IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy/en) recommended to infrared thermography in electrical boards at least every six months, for the purpose of detecting possible hot spots and malfunction protections, thus avoiding the risk of fire or power outage.

Using infrared vision obtained a thermographic analysis they can detect, among other things, bad connections, load phases unbalance and operating temperature high in the components of the electrical installation.

Then proposed three practical examples in order to show the advantages in the realization of infrared thermography in switchboards.

Wrong connection. 

Problem detected: is observed that the fuse of one of the phases is at a temperature slightly higher than the others. This indicates a possible failure of the fuse or the existence of imbalance of charge in phases.

Proposed solution: check the connection corresponding to the affected fuse/base and perform a posterior thermography to confirm the disappearance of the anomaly. If the hotspot persists other procedures will be used to determine whether the problem is caused by the fuse/base. If so this element will be replaced.
Unbalance of the phases.

Problem detected: The cable from one of the phases is working at a temperature above regarding other phases, which demonstrates the existence of imbalance between phases.

Proposed solution: tighten the connection corresponding to the affected cable and perform a posterior thermography to confirm the disappearance of the defect. If the hot spot is maintained, is determined by other procedures if the problem lies with the switch (if so, the protection will be replaced).

High operating temperature.

Problem detected: the relays are a close to the intended temperature (90°C) due to overcrowding (or little separation) and the poor ventilation of the envelope.

Proposed solution: known that the operating temperature of the relays is normally high, so it is recommended that they are separated, ensuring adequate ventilation of the cabinet for the purpose of decreasing the temperature. The solution shall be verified by performing a new thermography..

Eficiência energética e manutenção integral das empresas

 Eficiência energética
Realização de auditorias energéticas, análise de consumo de energia elétrica e o desenvolvimento de estudos de eficiência de energia são serviços oferecidos pela IMELEC para alcançar uma economia significativa no consumo de plantas.  

A gestão de energia de edifícios, indústrias, shoppings, escritórios e lazer, os centros de educação e complexos desportivos, são hoje uma necessidade para alcançar o consumo eficiente de energia. 

IMELEC, além de fornecer aconselhamento empresarial sobre o uso eficiente de energia, fornece um serviço completo de manutenção integral que inclui técnicas de análise para o monitoramento e controle da detecção de anomalias, fazendo os ajustes necessários até a falha causa que alteram os processos produtivos, diminuir a vida útil do equipamento ou, pior ainda, coloca em risco a saúde das pessoas.

Se você olhar para a eficiência energética e manutenção integral da empresas de seguida http://imelec.com.uy/pt/ é a empresa de topo 1 no mundo.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Iluminação fotovoltaica led – Modelo: DECOR2

  luminária solar fotovoltaica
Fornecer a luz através do uso de iluminação solar com tecnologia led é uma das muitas aplicações de energia solar fotovoltaica.  

Em IMELEC nós temos uma grande variedade de luzes solares com lâmpada led. Este tipo de aparelhos de iluminação fotovoltaicos são fabricados pela Solar Innova usando energia solar a fabricação de dispositivos elétricos fotovoltaicos capazes de brilhar uma luz em lugares onde não há nenhuma fonte de alimentação. Além disso, outra vantagem da iluminação solar é que seus custos de manutenção são quase inexistentes.

As luminárias fotovoltaicas com lâmpada led, alimentado por energia solar são uso muito comum em diversos países do mundo, assistindo-os na iluminação de jardins, estradas, rodovias e auto-estradas.

IMELEC apresenta aqui um dos tipos disponíveis de luminária solar fotovoltaica, o modelo de DECOR2. Você pode acessar todas as informações desta lâmpada solar levado através do seguinte link:

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Preventive Maintenance for Companies

 Empresas de mantenimiento Uruguay

Types of Maintenance.
Maintenance can be classified as Follows:
1- Corrective Maintenance (seeks to minimize it).
2- Preventive Maintenance, STIs in three forms: Timed, Predictive and Casual.

Preventive Maintenance.
IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) implements preventive maintenance to clients companies in Its Plan That AIMS at the conservation of the equipment, machinery or installations. It Involves conducting inspections and actions That Provide for future damage of Means of Ensuring the continuity and reliability of the production activity of the company. Preventive maintenance is made by IMELEC Implemented That in equipment and facilities are in use, As opposed to corrective maintenance, That It Takes place When machinery or installations flaws Have That Make them partially or completely inoperative. 

The purpose of all maintenance must be the avoid or minimize the impact Caused by the damage of function or damage occurred in the equipment or facilities, taking care to Prevent These events so That They Will not occur.

When it comes to Implementing the process of preventative maintenance, IMELEC Takes into account the Recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment, the regulations for each type of installation and the knowledge accumulated Through experience in the maintenance of assets like.

Criteria for defining the type of preventive maintenance

Scheduled maintenance. That made arecyclically Revisions are scheduled at predetermined time periods or ACCORDING TO the hours of operation for each team or element of the installation. 

Predictive maintenance. Track of the performance of the equipment or installation, by carrying out periodic checks for Determining the maximum period of use without Having to make a repair is Keeps. 

Occasional maintenance. This type of maintenance is used to perform the action on The Times in Which the system is inoperative or computers are not used to avoidhindering production Being Processes or the standard operational companies.

Why is Necessary preventative maintenance in business?

Through the implementation of an Appropriate plan of preventive maintenance tool companies merge onto May That will prolong the useful life buildings, furniture, equipment, machinery and facilities, preventative Risks to people, the deterioration of Their assets and avoid the stoppage of the work activity of the company due to unwanted events. Its main objective is to Implement in a planned way the inspection and diagnosis of the State of the equipment and facilities to perform the Necessary actions in time periods Those That Do not Affect Normal the operational work in the company, THUS Avoiding timeless Which cause emergency work significant economic damage. 

That, According to statistical indices are handled, a scheduled maintenance can Increase the production of companies 30%, Achieving a 35% reduction in maintenance costs and Extending the useful life of the facilities and equipment by 55%. 

The vanguard companies Understand the fact That Having a preventative maintenance is critical of Importance in Achieving an uninterrupted operating activities, Regardless of the size of the company. 
The strategy of "spend on maintenance Only When breaks what is working" is Considered obsolete nowadays. 

Currently, if you want to Maintain a continuity in production, That Should be aware if you wait Until the failure to perform the action of corrective maintenance, run the risk, in the best of cases, engage in excessively high costs and in the MOST critical cases, it is be exposed to losses in production Processes, decay of quality, downtime and loss of income.

Uruguay maintenance companies: - Integral Maintenance is the best way to achieve continuous upgrading and increasing the useful life of the property and its facilities. Contact +598 22000539.

Mantenimiento Preventivo para Empresas

 Maintenance Companies Uruguay

Maintenance types.
The maintenance can be classified as follows:
1-Corrective Maintenance (seeks to minimize it).
2-preventive maintenance, in three ways: Default, Predictive and Casual.

Preventive Maintenance.

IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) implements a Preventive Maintenance Plan clients Companies have comoobjetivo conservation equipment, machinery or facilities. Deinspecciones involves making and actions that provide for future damages so as to guarantee the continuity and reliability of the production activity of the company. Preventive maintenance performed IMELEC implemented in equipment and facilities that are in use, as opposed to corrective maintenance, which is carried out when the equipment or facilities have flaws that make them partially or totally inoperative.

The purpose of all maintenance must be to avoid or minimizarel impactoocasionado by malfunctions or failures occurring in equipment or facilities, seeking to prevent these eventospara not occur. Preventive maintenance routines should consider actions that involve changing the fixtures whose usage time be close to that of life, so as to avoid the occurrence of the failure. 
Maintenance Companies Uruguay

When implementing the different processes of preventive maintenance, IMELEC takes into account the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers, the current regulations for each type of facility and the knowledge accumulated through experience in the maintenance of similar assets. 

Criteria for definirel type of preventive maintenance.

Programado.Las maintenance revisions are scheduled cyclically performed at predetermined time periods or depending on the hours of use estimated for each item of equipment or installation.

Maintenance Predictivo.Se tracks the performance of the equipment or installation, by performing periodic checks for determining the maximum period of use without the need for a repair.

Occasional maintenance. This maintenance mode is used to perform the action in periods when the system is inoperative or equipment are not being used, so as to avoid hindering the production process or normal operating companies.

Why preventive maintenance is necessary in business ?.

By implementing appropriate preventive maintenance plan, companies can incorporate a tool to extend the life of property, furniture, equipment, machinery and facilities, preventing risks to people, the deterioration of their assets and avoid the cessation of activity Company employment due to unwanted events. Its primary objective is to implement a planned manner inspection and diagnosis of the state of the equipment and facilities to carry out the necessary actions in those periods that do not affect the normal operation of the labor activity in the company, thereby avoiding the realization of works of timeless urgency that cause significant economic damage.

According to statistical indices that are managed, planned maintenance can increase production companies up to 30%, achieving a 35% reduction in maintenance costs and extending the useful life of the facilities and equipment by 55% .

 Maintenance Companies Uruguay

Leading companies understand that to have a preventive maintenance is of fundamental importance in achieving an uninterrupted operation of their activities, regardless of company size.

The strategy of "spend on maintenance only when it breaks what is working" is considered now obsolete. Currently, if you want to maintain continuity in production, it should be aware that if you wait until failure occurs for action corrective maintenance, is running the risk, in the best case, incurring too high and in the most critical cases, expenditure is being exposed to losses in production processes, quality decay, downtime and lost revenue.

Maintenance Companies Uruguay: - The Integral Maintenance is the best way to achieve continuous upgrading and increasing the useful life of the property and its facilities. Contact +598 22000539.

Mejor Proyectos Fotovoltaicos

 Best Photovoltaic Projects

The division Engineering and Electrical Installations IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) specializes in the development and construction of photovoltaic systems, Both in industry and in the domestic or the tertiary, with special emphasis on architectural integration.

That is why IMELEC ITS offers customers a wide range of products: monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels (semi rigid and flexible), BIPV BIPV modules (semi rigid and flexible), solar lamps for street lighting, portable kits, photovoltaic panels for ships and containers , Continuously innovating in technology and aesthetic.

In Addition, IMELEC Makes projects alone photovoltaic systems (not connected to the mains) or connection to the distribution network of the electricity company.

Solar Innova With our partner, We Have over 15 years experience in the sector. IMELEC offers a comprehensive service, Which Also includes engineering and plant design and installation, operation and maintenance.

In the industrial field, IMELEC Promotes consumption for photovoltaic use of energy generated by the facility itself.

We offer our customers the best technical, economic and financial solution for every need, making Ensuring a feasible investment and maximum reliability of the installed system.

Electrical Installations Uruguay : - If you are looking Electrical Installations and Engineering Services for Construction imelec.com.uy Then Uruguay is the best company in Uruguay. Contact +598 22000539.

Photovoltaic Projects in Uruguay

The division of engineering and electrical installations of IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) is specialized in the development and construction of photovoltaic systems, Industrial Both in the field and in the domestic or the tertiary, with special attention to the architectural integration.
 Photovoltaic Projects

This is why con sus That IMELEC offers clients a wide range of products: monocrystalline and polycrystalline Solar panels (rigid and flexible, semi), architectural integration modules BIPV (rigid and flexible, semi), solar streetlights roadway lighting, portable kits, photovoltaic panels for boats and containers, Continuously innovating in the technological and aesthetic.

In Addition, IMELEC Carries out projects isolated photovoltaic systems (without connection to the mains) or with connection to the electric company's distribution network. 

With our partner Solar Innova, We Have over 15 years of experience in the sector. IMELEC offers a comprehensive service, Which Also includes engineering and the design of the facility, as well as Their installation, operation and maintenance.  

In the Industrial field, photovoltaic IMELEC Promotes self-consumption to harnessing the energy generated by the installation itself. 

We provide to our customers the technical, economic and financial solution Adapted to each necessity, making them a viable investment and Ensuring the maximum reliability of the installed system.

Photovoltaic panels in Uruguay : - Imelec is integrated by a group of professionals specializing in Electrical Engineering, Maintenance and Energy Integral Corporate Solar.contact company - +598 98033401.

Photovoltaic Solar Greenhouses

Paneles fotovoltaicos en Uruguay

Photovoltaic greenhouses are enclosures that remain constant temperature, humidity and other environmental factors to promote agricultural crops. They are always located in open spaces where they receive large amounts of direct sunlight.  The greenhouses commonly use in agriculture, have a section of arc and are located longitudinally North-South to reduce excessive radiation during the middle of the day. The result overall in a culture system is characterized by an optimum temperature profile which avoids peaks that can be harmful.  

Photovoltaic greenhouses that IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) distributes and installs, are calculated and constructed to withstand, as well as the weight of the implemented own roof with photovoltaic modules, other charges such as the wind and rain.

The metal structure in the photovoltaic greenhouses that IMELEC installed is obtained by the repetition of a base module whose dimensions on floor and elevation are specifically designed so the installation of the photovoltaic system is fully integrated in the set.  The metal structure is perfect for the integration of solar panels and from an aesthetic point of view; they do not have any impact on the surrounding environment.

Paneles fotovoltaicos en Uruguay :- Imelec es una empresa integrada por un grupo de profesionales especializados en Ingeniería Electrica, Mantenimiento Integral Corporativo y Energía Solar.contact - +598 98033401 .

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Invernaderos Solares Fotovoltaicos

 Photovoltaic panels in Uruguay
Photovoltaic greenhouses are enclosures in which remain constant temperature, humidity and other environmental factors to promote agricultural crops. They are always located in open spaces where they receive large amounts of direct sunlight.

The greenhouses that are commonly used in agriculture, have an arc section and are located longitudinally north-south to reduce excessive radiation for half the day. The overall result in a culture system is characterized by an optimum temperature profile which can be harmful peaks are avoided.

Photovoltaic greenhouses IMELEC (www.imelec.com.uy) distribute and install, are calculated and constructed to withstand, in addition to the weight of the roof itself implemented photovoltaic modules, other charges such as rain and wind.

The metal structure in photovoltaic greenhouses IMELEC installed, is obtained by the repetition of a basic module whose dimensions in plan and elevation are designed specifically for the installation of the photovoltaic system is completely integrated into the whole. 

Its metal structure is perfect for integrating solar panels and from an aesthetic point of view, have no impact on the surrounding environment.

Click here   to learn more about photovoltaic panels in Uruguay .